
The documents below constitute a VbE framework that schools can adapt to their needs.

The following related frameworks are available to schools

SIAMS Framework

We have matched VbE’s core elements with each of the SIAMS Requirements in the 2018 Inspection Framework.

OFSTED Framework

English schools are subject to an inspection regime implemented by OFSTED. There is a good deal of overlap with Wales’ Estyn’s inspection regime. Many other countries have their own inspection regimes aspects of which are supported by VbE.

We have extracted below some OFSTED requirements met routinely by VbE, as identified from the OFSTED’s 2019 Inspection Framework.

  • Requirement: Knowledge and cultural requirement
    VbE environment: VbE school are mindful of creating a full, rich and inclusive curriculum for pupils. School policies are reviewed for internal consistency with the school’s explicit values.
  • Requirement: Spiritual development
    VbE environment: Spiritual development is an explicit focus of a values-based approach to learning. Emphasis on development of spiritual literacy impacts on behaviour, learning, and people and community wellbeing.
  • Requirement: Provision for moral development
    VbE environment: The main focus of VbE in on the selection, practice and living of an ethical vocabulary, through which learners develop an “ethical intelligence”.
  • Requirement: Social development
    VbE environment: Learners at VbE schools develop an ability to relate to on another, forming highly positive self-awareness and effective relationships.
  • Requirement: Effective leadership to establish high quality education
    VbE environment: VbE schools encourage all members of the school, both educators and learners, to take personal responsibility for their thoughts and behaviours, and sustaining an ethical vocabulary.