VbE Principles for Engagement with Partner Organisations
The underpinning values of VbE are multifarious but the principle driving forces are perhaps seen most brightly in the values of love, peace and courage.
Social Objectives
Through committing to these values, we work to get closer to achieving:
- Social Justice
- Personal Wellbeing
- Sustainable Harmony
- The Flourishing of Humanity
Aims and Intentions
VbE is committed to working in partnership with organisations that express similar aims and intentions.
In order to achieve this we work with partners who:
- Share with VbE a deep ethical commitment to enabling children, young people and adults to achieve their best possibilities and value the world around them.
- Share a commitment that unquestionable integrity must at the heart of our work.
- With us, strive to avoid any conflict of interest in fulfilling our duties.
- With us, are respectful of copyright.
- Like us, aim to provide a high standard of practice, to deliver highly valued services and excellent value for money.
- Commit with us to mutual promotion of our work, for the benefit of children and young people.
- Work with us in a community of trust and mutual benefit.