Inspirational Concepts

This page offers some thoughts/concents to help develop or expand schools' and students' understanding of the role values in their school.

Values-based Thoughts/Concepts

The Schiller Lecture

Dr Neil Hawkes, founder of VbE, presents the Christian Schiller Lecture. The conference was "Visions for the Future". Neil presents the impact Values-based Education has on students and the opportunities that it opens for a brighter and more ethical future for us all.

What Are Values?

Stephen Berkley interviews Neil Hawkes, founder of  VbE, and asks him "What Are Values".

VbE Headteachers Discussion about Values

A selected group of VbE headteachers discuss the role and experience of values in their school.

VbE for schools - a presentation to the RSA

Neil Hawkes and Bridget Knight explain the concepts of Values-based Education to an audience of educators at the Royal Society For Arts